Zero Tolerance Policy for Laser Technicians

At Laser Light Company LLC, we are committed to ensuring the highest standards of safety, professionalism, and performance in all our operations. To maintain these standards, we have established the following Zero Tolerance Policy for all laser technicians. This policy is non-negotiable and strictly enforced.

  1. Safety Compliance
  • All technicians must adhere to the company’s safety protocols and industry regulations at all times. Failure to follow safety guidelines, including the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), laser safety measures, and adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), will result in immediate termination of the contract.
  1. Substance Abuse
  • The use, possession, or influence of drugs, alcohol, or any other controlled substances during work hours or while on site is strictly prohibited. Any violation will result in immediate termination of the contract and potential legal action.
  1. Professional Conduct
  • Technicians are expected to maintain the highest level of professionalism. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or unprofessional behavior toward colleagues, clients, or event staff will not be tolerated and will lead to immediate termination of the contract.
  1. Equipment Handling
  • Proper handling, maintenance, and operation of all laser equipment are mandatory. Negligence, misuse, or intentional damage to company property will result in immediate termination of the contract and may incur financial liability for damages.
  1. Punctuality and Attendance
  • Punctuality is essential to our operations. Failure to arrive on time or unapproved absences from scheduled shifts may result in termination of the contract.
  1. Confidentiality
  • Technicians must maintain confidentiality regarding all company operations, client information, and proprietary technology. Breaches of confidentiality will result in immediate termination of the contract and potential legal consequences.
  1. Incident Reporting
  • All incidents, including near-misses, equipment malfunctions, or safety concerns, must be reported immediately to the designated supervisor. Failure to report incidents or attempts to cover them up may result in termination of the contract.
  1. Compliance with Client Requirements
  • Technicians must comply with all client-specific requirements and event protocols. Non-compliance or failure to follow client instructions can result in immediate removal from the event and termination of the contract.

By accepting a contract with Laser Light Company LLC, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with this Zero Tolerance Policy. Failure to adhere to any part of this policy will result in immediate termination of your contract.